My Blog

BecauseĀ we can be professionalĀ and fun!

Why Personal Development? awareness burnout journaling Mar 06, 2023

Have you had a desire to grow yourself as a person? To develop yourself on a bigger level? Do you feel like you're at the same place in your life now that you were a year ago, five years ago, a...

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How a Coach Can Help You awareness clarity journaling overcoming obstacles Mar 05, 2023

Do you ever wonder how a coach can benefit you?

Let's take a look. Coaching can help you with: 

  • Making sense of your life: A coach may ask you some of the following questions in order to...
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Feeling Alone? awareness choices journaling struggle Feb 24, 2023

Are you struggling? Do you feel alone or separated from others right now? 

This might be hard to hear, but you're not alone. Whatever you're feeling or struggling with, whether it's fear...

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Caged awareness control drive fixed mindset Feb 22, 2023

Do you feel trapped in your life? Do you feel like you're not being your true self? Are you holding back your thoughts, feelings, or desires to please others? Maybe you're trapped in your head...

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Afraid of Personal Development? awareness drive potential Feb 21, 2023

Why do people want to stay the same? Why don't people seek personal growth or personal development?

Here are a few of the top reasons:

  • People don't believe in themselves. They feel incapable,...
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Perspective awareness control mindset perspective Feb 19, 2023

Did you know that how you view your life shapes how you live your life? 

By shifting our perspective of what's happing to, for, or around us, we can actually experience a completely different...

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How Much Drama is in Your Life? aligned action awareness happy integrity Feb 07, 2023

Is there a lot of drama in your life?

Is the drama coming from others or from you?

Most of the drama is self created, because we make things into a bigger issue than they should be and  take...

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Feeling Discouraged? awareness drive motivation Feb 05, 2023

Are you feeling discouraged? Maybe you're not excited, not motivated, not ambitious, or not confident. Do you feel like it's just another day and you're just going through the motions? 


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Be a Role Model awareness goals role model Jan 27, 2023

How often do we need to work on ourselves through personal development? If you answered daily, then you...are...CORRECT! 

So often, we can get caught in our own downward spirals, and we get...

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Time is My Currency awareness burnout clarity priorities time Jan 21, 2023

I had a realization the other day, and I wanted to share. This will be a little different blog humor from The Office. This is the time in my life where I discovered how truly precious...

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