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Why Personal Development?

awareness burnout journaling Mar 06, 2023

Have you had a desire to grow yourself as a person? To develop yourself on a bigger level? Do you feel like you're at the same place in your life now that you were a year ago, five years ago, a decade ago?


Would you like to improve your life and yourself in any way?

If so, diving into personal development can definitely help get you some positive growth and happiness in your life. 

Why do people get involved in personal development: 

Sometimes it's because you've experienced so much pain that you're searching for a way to be happy, find love, or figure out what to do with your life. For me, I reached burnout, ended up in the ER, and told myself that I had to find a better way to live my life...otherwise I wasn't going to make to retirement. I then found personal development and it changed my life into a happier and more fulfilling journey, that I get to joyfully share with loved ones, while still taking care of myself. I started seeking out books, YouTube videos, podcasts, mentors, coaches, and courses...anything to help me grow as a person and improve my life. 

You can also want to seek out personal development because you want more happiness in life. You want to be more present in life, to enjoy your relationships with others and yourself, have more vibrancy, and enjoy life more. 

What if you want more in your life? You want to excel in life, you want more success, and you desire more skills and knowledge. You have goals of improving yourself in ways that can have true impact in the world. 


One of my favorite reasons to dive into personal development is the awareness you gain about yourself. Then it comes down to accepting yourself and others, in order to make a true impact. Also, being able to take ownership and accountability for your emotions, thoughts, and actions.  

Journal prompts for this week:

  • Is there anything this week you're avoiding doing? Or maybe something that doesn't need to be done because it causes you pain or drains your energy? 
  • Is there anything this week you want more of because it brings you joy? 
  • What skills, competencies, and knowledge can you gain in order to positively impact others?
  • How can you develop more self awareness? How can you empower others?

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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