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awareness control mindset perspective Feb 19, 2023

Did you know that how you view your life shapes how you live your life? 

By shifting our perspective of what's happing to, for, or around us, we can actually experience a completely different life!! 

For example, maybe you think spin class is boring, but one day you have a great instructor who helps you fall in love with the workout!

It's amazing how powerful our thoughts are!

When you realize how much you're capable of looking at any situation or circumstance from different angels or from different lenses, you gain perspective and power. 

Can you get curious and ask questions about the situation, in order to gain multiple perspectives about the same situation? 

Sometimes when we feel emotions, think a thought, or see something a certain way, this could just be an impulse triggered by our past, or based on a story we're telling ourselves, or a label we're putting on something. 

Instead, stay open and curious, and observe our thoughts and feelings. Then ask questions. Is this true or false? Is this serving me? Do I want this to control my day? 

This is how we gain awareness. 

In these types of situations, a coach will help you maintain more personal power in the moment, to help you find your next right action/decision, help you set priorities and goals, and help you figure out how you might seek to obtain those things you want now and in the future. A coach will help you show up from a place that is more empowered, soulful, loving, confident, and real to who you want to be, and not just driven by hurt and old stories. 

When we hear or see something today, it could mean something incredibly different than it might a week from now. It's all about your mindset, perspective, and what state you're currently in...because sometimes we're just not ready to receive or absorb information fully. 

How can you change the lens or change the angle of a situation? Think about something you're stepping into this week, a challenge you might be facing, or a relationship you're struggling with. How could you approach it differently? Be an observer. Be curious. Think of how this situation might grow, shape, or be an opportunity for you instead of an obstacle. 

You define the meaning to a situation, so how can you define a better meaning to it? Can you find something there that is more purposeful? 

Journal 3-4 different ways to look at this one situation? 

The more perspective you bring to something, the more peace you actually feel!

If you feel like your perspective could use a tune-up, I invite you to schedule a coaching call with me. Just answer a few questions here so I can better help you, and I'll get you scheduled! 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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