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Feeling Discouraged?

awareness drive motivation Feb 05, 2023

Are you feeling discouraged? Maybe you're not excited, not motivated, not ambitious, or not confident. Do you feel like it's just another day and you're just going through the motions? 

How do you keep that positive mindset to help keep going as things get more difficult along your life's journey? 

Where have you felt discouraged? Maybe you're bummed out about something that happened in your career or marriage? Maybe your expectations were high, but the results were low? Maybe you're feeling that things aren't as good as you thought? Maybe you put out a lot of effort but lost hope, because you didn't see the results you wanted? 

Maybe you actually tried something new, you failed, others judged you, and you felt ashamed. You incorporated this failure into your identity instead of seeing it as just an event. You've become discouraged instead of encouraged.

Maybe you are comparing yourself to others?

Maybe you're giving or people-pleasing so much and don't get as much back?

Maybe someone broke your heart?

Are you discouraged because you're not clear on what you want or what your purpose is? 

When you think about it, these are all common issues. You are not going through this alone. There are others out there that are going through the same thing. Seek out others or a community who are on the same journey as you. 

Also, give yourself some grace. You didn't lose your drive or motivation, maybe you were just tired, or things weren't progressing as fast or weren't as rewarding as you wanted. You lost hope. You attached yourself to the outcome. 

You need to recognize that there's a second chance, but with mortality motivation, we know that time is limited here on Earth and we need to make the best use of it. 

If you're discouraged, here are some things you can journal on: 

  • What are your recent wins? What are you grateful for? Give yourself credit and integrate those wins into your body so you can feel like you matter and are fulfilled. When you integrate wins personally, they become part of your identity. 
  • Do you want a better life? Remember it's an intentional choice. 
  • How can you be more present? How can you surrender from perfectionism? How can you forgive yourself and move onto the next opportunity? Surrender your expectations. 
  • What can you do to not feel discouraged? Maybe get some exercise, eat some healthy food that will give you energy, talk to some uplifting friends/family, listen to some uplifting music...Find ways to generate momentum. One step at a time.
  • How can you find other like-minded people to talk to, so you're not feeling so alone? Get around positive and encouraging people who will lift you up and inspire you. 

The future holds good things for you. Be more present and intentional each day to spark that hope and optimism. You'll get that momentum back. 


Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said], 



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