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awareness control drive fixed mindset Feb 22, 2023

Do you feel trapped in your life? Do you feel like you're not being your true self? Are you holding back your thoughts, feelings, or desires to please others? Maybe you're trapped in your head with your negative thoughts?

Why do you think this happens?

Why do we feel caged and not free in our own life? It can be because we've been hurt, we've failed, or we feel like something isn't right with we hide. We are stuck in fear.

When we have awareness of where we're at, we can change our circumstances and break out of our own cage. This isn't about shaming ourselves or feeling bad. With personal development, we see this as an awareness, and as an opportunity to get better? What can we do to move into a positive direction that feels aligned? 

Here are some reasons why we are caged? 

  • We are being fake...we aren't expressing ourselves fully. We are robotic, holding back, or setting up walls around ourselves because they got hurt or discouraged in the past. If we're feeling this way, a life coach can really help us discover and unlock our true authentic self. Our greatest human desire is to be truly to do what we want and be who we truly are.

  • We aren't sharing our true thoughts, desires, struggles, and fears with others.
  • We have a fixed mindset. We don't believe in our potential.
  • We're unfulfilled. We're lacking drive to move forward towards something meaningful in life. 
  • We aren't in love. Not necessarily in love romantically, but loving life. 

So how do we get out of the cage?

Sometimes, like me, it takes hitting rock bottom. Sometimes something catastrophic happens to someone close to us. Sometimes it's awareness while doing personal development. Whatever it is, use that new found awareness and desire to break free from the cage, to step into a happier and more fulfilling life. Choose to be more present, be intentional, and feel the most of life.


Journal on these topics, gain some self awareness, and discover ways to break free from the cage. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said], 



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