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Afraid of Personal Development?

awareness drive potential Feb 21, 2023

Why do people want to stay the same? Why don't people seek personal growth or personal development?

Here are a few of the top reasons:

  • People don't believe in themselves. They feel incapable, unworthy, inadequate...which leads to disempowerment. They don't like or love themselves. They even go as far as hating themselves. The scary thing about self hatred is that they can actually find comfort in it. They get used to disliking themselves, staying in the negative thought patterns about themselves, being in that victim mentality, deserving pain or hurt or shame, and that they don't deserve to feel better. Don't get in that negative downward spiral.  Seek outside help from a therapist, coach, mentor, loved one, or friend.

  • People are discouraged. They've tried "everything" before, and it didn't work for them. Maybe they've failed at something, no one recognized them, or they didn't get a job they wanted? Maybe they got back up over and over again...but they kept getting kicked down? 

  • There is a sense of division and judgment of others. This which leads to separation from others and lack of empathy. People don't seek personal development because they think they are righteous, and "those people" are _____ (stupid, wrong, too extreme, etc.).


  • People are lacking direction. They have no direction or don't know where to start. They fear the unknown, so they just remain stuck.

  • People lack drive. People aren't tapping into their inner drive and motivation to have a better life. They wanted to become more, feel more, love more, serve more...and they forgot about their drive. 

Journal about what areas of your life you want to improve, and how you can take a first step in that direction this week. 

If you want to grow faster than you can on your own, you need a coach to help keep you accountable, push you, and help you discover your inner drive and your potential. Let me help you be better

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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