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How a Coach Can Help You

awareness clarity journaling overcoming obstacles Mar 05, 2023

Do you ever wonder how a coach can benefit you?

Let's take a look. Coaching can help you with: 

  • Making sense of your life: A coach may ask you some of the following questions in order to help you gain more understanding of your life.  
    • Who are you?
    • What are your values?
    • What are you after?
    • What do you want to be?
    • What takes your energy and gives you energy?
    • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    • What are  your habits?
    • How is your life going so far this year?
    • What is the current story of your life?
    • How are you making sense of your life right now?
    • Where are you in life right now?
  • Gaining awareness: Having a supportive network of loved ones can really help you gain perspective that you may have lost. They can help you see things you wouldn't have normally seen. A coach can help you see even more perspectives, because they are an objective third party. A coach may ask you: 
    • Where are you at in your life right now? 
    • How busy is your life right now and have you lost focus on your productivity?
    • Have you lost awareness of what you really want, feel, hope, need, desire in this stage of your life?
  • Creating meaning: Coaches help clients create meaning and fulfillment in their life. Having true meaning and fulfillment is a north star, always pulling you towards where you want to go. This is because having a strong "why" or "purpose" in life means you have something to strive for that is bigger than just you; it's about serving others. Journal on what brought you joy and meaning in the last week? 
  • Goal setting: A crucial part of coaching is understanding the outcomes someone wants, and helping the client breaking the goals down into action steps and timelines. A coach will help you make a plan, push you to accomplish it, help you find ways to move through obstacles, and find supports you need to help you accomplish your mission. 
  • Attitude: Coaches help you with your mindset, especially working with you during times when you're discouraged or uncertain. A coach will help you generate motivation, energy, productivity, and joy to shift your mindset into a positive and productive one. This will give you an inner fire to strive for your goals. Reflect on your last week and evaluate how your attitude was. 
  • Performance improvement: Coaches will help you reflect and analyze a situation that may have not gone the way you wanted (like a tough conversation with a an employee, setting boundaries with family, an argument with your spouse, etc.), and walk through how you could have made it better, and help you find new ways to improve upon it in the future. 
  • Relationship building: Coaches prompt the client to improve the relationships in their lives. This is where the meaning and purpose really comes in to play. Journal prompt: What good relationship moments did you have last week, and which situations could have been better and why? 

These are just some of the areas a coach can help you with.

Of course you can see a therapist too for deeper dives into your past and understanding why you are who you are.

A coach can help you figure out who you are now, and help you get to who you want to become. 

If you're looking for a coach to take you to the next level in your life, jump on a quick call with me and we can strategize how to make your life better. I'd love to chat with you. Just answer the few questions here and I'll reach out to you within 24 hours.

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],




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