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How Much Drama is in Your Life?

aligned action awareness happy integrity Feb 07, 2023

Is there a lot of drama in your life?

Is the drama coming from others or from you?

Most of the drama is self created, because we make things into a bigger issue than they should be and  take things too personally. 

How do you deal with drama?

  1. Ask yourself if you're getting defensive, feeling threatened, or feeling wronged. Are you taking on that victim mentality? Think about your perception here, and if the story you're telling yourself is really true. If you feel this way, reacting from it probably won't go over well. Instead, ask "what could I do instead to be in alignment with my best self?"
  2. Ask yourself if you're taking this situation too personally or losing perspective? Be the bigger person and deescalate the situation. 
  3. Ask yourself if this drama is really worth your time and energy? What really matters in your life? Put things inter perspective. 

Try to understand what's going on with someone who is causing drama. Be curious, listen, ask questions. You don't know the type of day or trauma that person could be going through, and you might just be interacting with them on a bad day. 

Learn the skill of handling conflict. Engage in personal development to help with your triggers, mindset, and perspective. Be intentional and clear on who you are. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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