The Money Blog

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Confidence aligned action clarity confidence journaling skills Mar 22, 2023

Earlier this week, I received a download from the Universe that said: "Confidence is really just being in alignment with your potential." 

You should aim to be the best of who you are,...

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Why Personal Development? awareness burnout journaling Mar 06, 2023

Have you had a desire to grow yourself as a person? To develop yourself on a bigger level? Do you feel like you're at the same place in your life now that you were a year ago, five years ago, a...

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How a Coach Can Help You awareness clarity journaling overcoming obstacles Mar 05, 2023

Do you ever wonder how a coach can benefit you?

Let's take a look. Coaching can help you with: 

  • Making sense of your life: A coach may ask you some of the following questions in order to...
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The Power of Self-Control boundaries control emotions journaling Mar 01, 2023

Self-control is the root of personal development/growth. 

Without self-control, we are just being reactive to other people's fires in life, we are more stressed, we struggle with managing our...

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Feeling Alone? awareness choices journaling struggle Feb 24, 2023

Are you struggling? Do you feel alone or separated from others right now? 

This might be hard to hear, but you're not alone. Whatever you're feeling or struggling with, whether it's fear...

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Disengaged or Winning This Week? distractions failure journaling Feb 23, 2023

What are your wins for this week? 

What items did you check off your list? What projects did you complete or move forward? What quality time did you spend with loved ones? No matter how big or...

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Do What is Necessary burnout drive goals journaling mindset necessity skills Feb 20, 2023

How did you show up last week? Are you proud of the results you got? Are you proud of how you showed up to yourself and others? 

Based on those results, are these sufficient to...

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A Beautiful Week gratitude journaling Feb 03, 2023


The world is a beautiful place, and life is a beautiful experience. 

You can live a beautiful life, but you need to be mindful to architect the life you want, and be intentional in...

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