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Disengaged or Winning This Week?

distractions failure journaling Feb 23, 2023

What are your wins for this week? 

What items did you check off your list? What projects did you complete or move forward? What quality time did you spend with loved ones? No matter how big or small, it's still a win and still worth celebrating. 

But sometimes, we get impatient, discouraged, or mad at ourselves for not doing more or enough. Maybe you didn't complete a project or keep putting it off? Maybe you were going to go to happy hour with friends, but stayed home instead?

So what happens when we keep getting discouraged with ourselves over and over again over the years? We are actually training and conditioning our minds to disengage. 

So what can we do to get back on track, expand, grow, and progress forward? 

  • Identify the things we need to do to move us closer to our goals.
  • Take care of ourselves. 
  • Stay true to ourselves and our mission. 
  • Make some progress daily. 
  • Give ourselves grace. 
  • Remember that failures are just events, not who you are. 
    • Failures are just not meeting expectations you or others established. 
  • Don't let external events drive your internal drive, thoughts, attitude, and behavior. 
  • Don't be so hard on yourself. Watch your negative self talk. When you beat yourself down, that causes discouragement, disengagement, procrastination, a negative spiral, and ultimately leads to you looking for comfort in distractions...which slows you down towards the progress you want to make towards your goals. 
  • Be patient. Personal development is a journey. 

Journal on where you've felt discouraged.

What wins have you had this week, and what things do you need to do to finish the week strong?

What negative thoughts have been rolling around in your mind, and are these thoughts effecting your output? 

What is one simple step you can take this week to get back on track towards your goals? 

One other way to increase your momentum is to surround yourself with others who are striving for similar things. Being part of a group or a community of strivers who support you, hold you accountable, and lift you up can increase your likelihood of succeeding. 


Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said], 



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