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Do What is Necessary

burnout drive goals journaling mindset necessity skills Feb 20, 2023

How did you show up last week? Are you proud of the results you got? Are you proud of how you showed up to yourself and others? 

Based on those results, are these sufficient to where you believe you should be? Were you tapping into your true potential?

Of course you should be present and enjoy every moment, but sometimes we need that vision of our future best self to motivate us to progress and grow. We need to develop better skills and competencies to allow us to serve and be better in the future. We need to gain more knowledge so we can have that life we want.

One of the most powerful things I ever said to myself was: "there has to be a better way to live." This came at a time when I hit rock bottom in the ER with a mind-blowing migraine due to stresses and a toxic culture at my Executive job. I knew I wouldn't make it another 30 years to that finish line called "retirement." So I went on a journey to figure out a better way to live, where I wasn't burning out and sacrificing my time, health, experiences with loved ones, social life, and hobbies. I found personal development, I found purpose, I found wellbeing, I found time, and I found high performance coaching. 

But with any transition and leveling up, there will be additional work. Things are going to be harder, it's going to require more time outside of your comfort zone to grow, and it's going to require more confidence and courage as you strive to be your best self in order to serve. 

As you're on your personal development journey, there will be more pressure and stress, but you're also learning the tools and the mindset to handle it. Do the work now, so you can handle the next level of complexities that come with more success, wealth, relationships, and situations. 

Journal on this: What strengths have helped you get to where you are today? What is the next level of skills and capabilities that you're going to need in order to reach that next level? Your current strengths and skillset got you to where you are today, but what do you need to gain to level up in your life? What do you need to do to reach your next level? What is currently holding you back from going to that next level? 

Don't shame yourself for being insufficient in a moment.

Maybe you were lacking awareness, or your skillset wasn't ready for the situation you encountered. You're growing, your stretching. Give yourself some grace, evaluate how you're doing on your personal development journey, and put together a plan to continue your progress forward. 

If you'd like help with unlocking your potential, developing a plan towards your goals, and doing what's necessary to get there, I'd love to chat with you. Just fill out a few questions here, and we can make a plan to get you moving in your desired direction. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],




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