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aligned action clarity confidence journaling skills Mar 22, 2023

Earlier this week, I received a download from the Universe that said: "Confidence is really just being in alignment with your potential." 

You should aim to be the best of who you are, always. Tap into that part of you that is ambitious, authentic, happy, and is grateful for the world. 

If you haven't been the most congruent with your best self in the last 72 hours, what could you do to get more aligned? 

Confidence is built on clarity of what you want, who you are, and how you're going to get to where you want to be in life. 

The way you manage time also leads to confidence, because if something is truly important then you'd make time for it. You are keeping promises to yourself and being in control of your life. 

Being more competent, meaning gaining more knowledge, skills, and abilities, can also increase your confidence. This is because the more competence you gain, the more likely you are to take action, try new things, and show up for yourself and others. What skills you could learn or gain in order to increase your competence in something you're interested in?

Journal today: What are 5 things you could do this week to become more confident? They can be big or small things, just think of some things that would boost your confidence. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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