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The Power of Self-Control

boundaries control emotions journaling Mar 01, 2023

Self-control is the root of personal development/growth. 

Without self-control, we are just being reactive to other people's fires in life, we are more stressed, we struggle with managing our own thoughts and feelings, and our overall life satisfaction goes down. We are not able to prioritize ourselves and feel fulfilled because we aren't pushing forward our own needs. Self-control is not selfish. 

How in control of your thoughts are you?

Are you more reactive than proactive? There are two types of thoughts: reactive and intentional thoughts.

Reactive thoughts are triggered by external events, experiences, emotions that unconsciously run through your mind. When these things come up in our brain, we need to be aware of what negativity they are causing to us and to our lives. One of the best ways to help with gaining awareness and control of your thoughts is to journal. Capture those thoughts and feelings. You can also learn about your thoughts and mindset, by listening to some podcasts, watching a course, listening to a book, reading a book, or anything else to help you understand what's going on inside your mind and body. 

Intentional thoughts are conscious thoughts, where you are in control of your thoughts. How can you architect your own thoughts, based on what you desire at a higher level. When you can get ahold of your own thoughts and direct them in a positive way, you can radically change how you feel and move forward in life. 

The second way to have power over your self-control is how you manage your time. How you are using your time determines how much agency you have in your in control of your life you much ownership you take on your life. Everyone gets 24 hours in a day, it's how you choose to use it. Are you using your gift of time in a healthy, productive, and joyous way? Or are you wasting it on distractions? 

Third, how are your boundaries? Boundaries are not just ways to keep people out, it's about protecting our peace and keeping our values in alignment. Are you speaking up for yourself enough to set boundaries so you're being treated the way you want to be treated? Remember, whenever you say "yes" to someone else, you're saying "no" to yourself. 

Fourth, integrity shows your level of self-control. How aligned are you with your values, dreams, and your actions? When you have integrity, you demonstrate good character, and you're not being impulsive or selfish. Stand for what you know is right. Practice what you preach. 

Lastly, learning and growth helps demonstrate your self-control. By being able to challenge yourself to higher levels of learning, it shows your desire to grow. There are so many distractions in the world, but being able to learn and grow shows huge levels of self-control.

Journal today about where you can improve your self-control, in order to gain more awareness and control of your thoughts.  

Keep doing the personal development work!

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said], 



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