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Have a Successful Week emotions energy focus goals productivity relationships success time management Feb 27, 2023

How can you set yourself up for a successful week? 

  • Be goal oriented. Know what goals YOU want to accomplish by the end of Friday. These are things that are moving you towards YOUR goals, not...
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Do What is Necessary burnout drive goals journaling mindset necessity skills Feb 20, 2023

How did you show up last week? Are you proud of the results you got? Are you proud of how you showed up to yourself and others? 

Based on those results, are these sufficient to...

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Don't Be So Hard On Yourself drive goals motivation Jan 30, 2023

Did you know that being hard on yourself only demotivates you, stops you from progressing, makes you lose your drive, makes your goals seem unreachable, and devalues yourself. 

So what...

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Goals/Resolutions Check-In goals motivation resolutions Jan 29, 2023

We're almost a full month into 2023. How's it going so far? 

Hopefully, you're on track with your goals. If you're not, give yourself some grace, and know that tomorrow is another day to...

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Be a Role Model awareness goals role model Jan 27, 2023

How often do we need to work on ourselves through personal development? If you answered daily, then you...are...CORRECT! 

So often, we can get caught in our own downward spirals, and we get...

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Mindset of a Winner fixed mindset goals growth mindset intentional success Jan 12, 2023

How are you showing up every day? 

It's going to be hard to meet your long term goals if you don't make progress towards them each day. It all comes down to your lifestyle, your habits,...

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Clarity on the New Year clarity goals Jan 04, 2023

Let's get clarity on this new year!

What does clarity mean?

It means getting crystal clear on these three areas:

1. who you are (i.e. your values, beliefs, identity, etc.),

2. what you want (i.e....

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Having a "Successful" Mindset For the New Year fixed mindset goals growth mindset success Jan 04, 2023
Hi I’m Sara Geyer! 
I had a fun idea to help me learn and laugh. I love personal development and the TV show, "The Office." So…why not combine them and make learning even...
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