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Clarity on the New Year

clarity goals Jan 04, 2023

Let's get clarity on this new year!

What does clarity mean?

It means getting crystal clear on these three areas:

1. who you are (i.e. your values, beliefs, identity, etc.),

2. what you want (i.e. goals, lifestyle, status, etc.), and

3. how to get it.

Think of driving plug in where you are now and where you want to go, then the map plots out the directions for you. 

See when we are clear on who we are, what we want, and how to get there, life is easier. We have a plan...and with a plan, we can take action towards it. We can break down that destination into smaller goals for each year, quarter, month, week, and day!!!! 

Therefore, when we get clarity on who we are, what we want, and how to get it, we know "exactly what to do."


When you "have no idea what do do" you are lacking clarity. 

One of the things that was holding me back in life was not knowing the answers to the three questions above. Once I did, my life made more sense.

✅  I wasn't confused.

✅  I wasn't overwhelmed.

✅  I wasn't lost.

✅  I was able to find my true self. 

✅  I was in alignment with my true self.

✅  I was able to make quick decisions in big areas of my life.

🌟 I also believed that bigger things were achievable for me, because I could see how to get to the destination. 

If you want more info on how I can help you find clarity, click here and fill out a quick coaching application. I'll review and then we'll jump on a quick call to discuss how I can help you find more clarity in your life and achieve the life you want. 

I hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],




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