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Have a Successful Week

emotions energy focus goals productivity relationships success time management Feb 27, 2023

How can you set yourself up for a successful week? 

  • Be goal oriented. Know what goals YOU want to accomplish by the end of Friday. These are things that are moving you towards YOUR goals, not the goals of others.  Also, ensure that you check in with your monthly and annual goals, so that you can see the big picture.

  • Block time out on your calendar each day Monday - Friday to ensure you're prioritizing your personal and professional goals. During these blocks of time, you are laser-focused on a single task towards your distractions, calls, text, notifications, checking social media, etc.. Protect this time and ensure that you're keeping this promise to yourself. 

  • Focus on your energy. Instead of being reactive to your energy levels, be proactive. This means being intentional about how you want to show up for the week. Did you know that your energy today is a result of your last 72 hours? So if you want a successful Monday, you might want to ensure you're rested, you get some exercise, you eat well, and you might not want to party too hard over the weekend. 

  • Be aware of your emotions. Notice if you've been short with people, took something too personally, was sad, was frustrated, was embarrassed, or are having negative self talk. What do all of these feelings mean about your emotional state? How can you keep yourself from downward spiraling? Step back, take the emotion out of the situation, think objectively about the situation, and maybe go take a walk and some deep breaths outside. Find ways to elongate your reaction time between a trigger/stimulus and your response. 

  • Find ways to connect with others. Build your relationships, spend quality time with others, and have fun with those you love and work with. 


Journal prompt: What do you do to have a successful week? 

 Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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