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Don't Be So Hard On Yourself

drive goals motivation Jan 30, 2023

Did you know that being hard on yourself only demotivates you, stops you from progressing, makes you lose your drive, makes your goals seem unreachable, and devalues yourself. 

So what are some reasons that we lose our drive? 

  • We're tired.
  • We're not taking care of ourselves. 
  • We are not generating energy. 
  • We're detached from life (on auto-pilot, just hurrying from task to task). 
  • We're distracted by indecision and not taking action. 
  • Our brain is overwhelmed or frustrated or bothered by outstanding life issues. 
  • Bored and need a challenge.
  • Thinking about ourselves only. 
  • Not feeling purposeful. 

What can we do about it? 

  • Get enough sleep. 
  • Fuel your body properly.
  • Take supplements when needed. 
  • Drink more water. 
  • Meditate.
  • Set clear intentions for the day. 
  • Take a break every 50 minutes. 
  • Exercise daily. 
  • Consume less social media and TV.
  • Be more present in your day. Find joy. Slow down. 
  • Be clear on what you want. 
  • Take action in a general direction that is in alignment with your values and goals. 
  • Growth: more challenging tasks, routines, situations to strive for (bring some aliveness).
  • Volunteer, do something good, and be part of something bigger than yourself!
  • Surround yourself by a group of like-minded individuals who gives you energy!


What other reasons do you feel you lose your motivation, and what other ideas can you think of to get over it? 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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