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Mindset of a Winner

fixed mindset goals growth mindset intentional success Jan 12, 2023

How are you showing up every day? 

It's going to be hard to meet your long term goals if you don't make progress towards them each day. It all comes down to your lifestyle, your habits, and your mindset.

There are two different types of mindset: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset (for more details check out Carol Dweck's book Mindset). Simply put, with a fixed mindset, people believe that their intelligence, talents, and personalities cannot grow. With a growth mindset, people believe that they can learn and grow until they die, they embrace challenges because they know they can figure them out, and they find others successes to be inspirational.  

In Episode 5:19: Golden Ticket, Michael is inspired by Willy Wonka and hides 5 golden tickets in random paper boxes. What he doesn't know until it's too late, is that he put all 5 tickets in boxes for the same customer, so a top client got 50% off their large order. This was a big financial challenge for the company and Michael tried to pass the blame for the Golden Ticket promotional idea to Dwight, in order to not get in trouble with Corporate. 

So to be an extraordinary individual (or jelly bean), it goes even a step further than just having a growth mindset.

You also need: 

  • Mission: Be intentional about what you're striving for in life, not just where you're going but how you're going to get there. When you get stuck on your journey, you find a way to gain skills and abilities to be the best version of you in order to get to the places you want go.  

  • Method of measurement: How are you measuring the things that are important in your life? What are you measuring? Is it habits, time, weight, BMI? If you don't measure your progress or performance, then you don't know if you're getting better or worse? Track your habits and be consistent about it. Analyze the data and seek to improve and grow. 

  • Humility: Don't be afraid to be a forever learner and ask for help. This will help you learn and grow faster than you can on your own. 

If you want more help on becoming an extraordinary high performer, fill out an application for coaching with me. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Let's get you unstuck and on your way to where you want to go, FASTER. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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