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Having a "Successful" Mindset For the New Year

fixed mindset goals growth mindset success Jan 04, 2023
Hi I’m Sara Geyer! 
I had a fun idea to help me learn and laugh. I love personal development and the TV show, "The Office." So…why not combine them and make learning even more fun?!
The word “successful” can vary  for each person. But we do know there are successful mindsets and thinking patterns. [You can remember this by using Michael Scott’s remembering game in episode 4.12: The Deposition.  “Pat-tern. Patt-ern. My friend Pat took a turn. That's how I remember that.”]
Unsuccessful people tend to stop progress when they say:
  1. "I don't know how to do ___” 
    1. Fixed mindset: you stop.
    2. Growth mindset: you find a way to learn how…and keep going. Build the skill.
  2. "I'm not like them" 
    1. Fixed mindset: you are in comparison mode and stop.
    2. Growth mindset, you find a way how to learn from others but still remain authentic to who you are.
  3. "I don't have ___"
    1. Fixed mindset: you stop. 
    2. Growth mindset: you find a way to be resourceful, get what you need, and still deliver value. Add “yet” to the end of the sentence, and make it a goal to get there, instead of stopping. 
Take personal responsibility for your mindset. Ask “how can I?” instead of just stopping. 
[Or you could  use other’s doubt in you to FUEL YOU to strive higher than before, just like Michael did in episode 5.20: New Boss…]
Did I miss anything? Any other moments from The Office that you can think of?
Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [That’s what she said],
--Sara Geyer

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