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Caged awareness control drive fixed mindset Feb 22, 2023

Do you feel trapped in your life? Do you feel like you're not being your true self? Are you holding back your thoughts, feelings, or desires to please others? Maybe you're trapped in your head...

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Afraid of Personal Development? awareness drive potential Feb 21, 2023

Why do people want to stay the same? Why don't people seek personal growth or personal development?

Here are a few of the top reasons:

  • People don't believe in themselves. They feel incapable,...
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Do What is Necessary burnout drive goals journaling mindset necessity skills Feb 20, 2023

How did you show up last week? Are you proud of the results you got? Are you proud of how you showed up to yourself and others? 

Based on those results, are these sufficient to...

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Feeling Discouraged? awareness drive motivation Feb 05, 2023

Are you feeling discouraged? Maybe you're not excited, not motivated, not ambitious, or not confident. Do you feel like it's just another day and you're just going through the motions? 


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How To Get Your Drive Back drive gratitude intentional Jan 31, 2023

How do we summon energy, and find that drive deep within us to keep going? 

If you've lost your drive, how do you get it back? 

  • Choice and gratitude: you have the choice to manifest your...
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Don't Be So Hard On Yourself drive goals motivation Jan 30, 2023

Did you know that being hard on yourself only demotivates you, stops you from progressing, makes you lose your drive, makes your goals seem unreachable, and devalues yourself. 

So what...

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