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How To Get Your Drive Back

drive gratitude intentional Jan 31, 2023

How do we summon energy, and find that drive deep within us to keep going? 

If you've lost your drive, how do you get it back? 

  • Choice and gratitude: you have the choice to manifest your life and have agency (or ownership) of your life. You're grateful for what you have and the path you're on, you have enthusiasm for life, and are using enthusiasm to drive you forward. Be the captain of your own ship.

  • Block-time: your days are scheduled and intentional to keep you on track and move you towards your goals. You are not firefighting/reacting to everyone else's agenda; you own your agenda. 

  • Personal development: tracking and managing your goals and habits, so you have the awareness of where we're at and analyzing the trends to see how you're doing. Are you journaling, planning your day, listening to something motivational? Have awareness without judgment. 

  • Social support: if you want to be a high performer, surround yourself with other high performers. Be around positive and inspirational people, who will motivate you. Design a life with those people in it to lift you up. 


Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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