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BecauseĀ we can be professionalĀ and fun!

Congruence authenticity congruence integrity Mar 08, 2023

Are you the same person alone that you are when you're around others? 

Are you struggling behind closed doors, but holding it together when you're around others? 

This boils down to...

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When You're at Your Worst integrity intentional Feb 18, 2023

What do you do when you want to be your best, but you're feeling like you're at your worst? 

I know I've had these moments before where I was sick, I made mistakes, I was irresponsible, I...

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How Much Drama is in Your Life? aligned action awareness happy integrity Feb 07, 2023

Is there a lot of drama in your life?

Is the drama coming from others or from you?

Most of the drama is self created, because we make things into a bigger issue than they should be and  take...

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How Do You Deal with Self Hate? forgiveness integrity perfection self love Jan 20, 2023

Is there some part of you that you don't like? Or some part of you that you're discouraged with? Maybe you're getting in your own way and starting to feel some resentment? Maybe you failed at...

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Breakthroughs aligned action breakthrough clarity decision-making identity integrity Jan 10, 2023

Sometimes the fastest way to a breakthrough is taking action. Aligned action and making bold decisions. Action that you know is right. It feels right at a subconscious level. So what is the...

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Honoring Your Word distractions integrity reliable Jan 06, 2023

Are you honoring your word to yourself?

If your answer is YES, then you're on your way to completing the year strong, because you are gaining momentum and honoring your word to yourself. But if the...

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