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Honoring Your Word

distractions integrity reliable Jan 06, 2023

Are you honoring your word to yourself?

If your answer is YES, then you're on your way to completing the year strong, because you are gaining momentum and honoring your word to yourself. But if the answer is NO, you need to get back on track now because you want to finish the year strong, right? You don't want to just live "causally".

Even if your excuses are justifiable, do you want to keep breaking commitments to yourself? Ask yourself:

  • What personal commitments did you make for yourself this year?
  • Which personal commitments did you break already? Why? We you distracted? Were you overwhelmed? Were you discouraged?

There are so many external factors happening all around us, and it's easy to make up an excuse or bail on what you said you were going to do. But when you do it once…it gets easier to do it over and over again. Especially now after the pandemic…it's easier to change plans last minute, because people have a little more grace. But hasn't it always been a little crazy? There's always something going on.

Right now, we need to show up with excellence more than ever! We need to set goals for ourselves, share our goals, and follow through. Be a reliable person!

Lastly, honor your word to your FUTURE SELF!

If you could receive a fax each day from your future self, what would it say?


 What can you commit to your future self today? Show up and become that person daily.

Remember, casual Fridays on The Office were cancelled after just one day. So for you, if you fell off track today, get back on track tomorrow.


 Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],





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