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aligned action breakthrough clarity decision-making identity integrity Jan 10, 2023

Sometimes the fastest way to a breakthrough is taking action. Aligned action and making bold decisions. Action that you know is right. It feels right at a subconscious level. So what is the next right aligned action for you that will radically change your life? 

Brendon Burchard talks about 4 gates that we must break through before we take action. We don't want to just take any action...because then we're being overreactive, taking things personally, or getting upset. Instead, there are 4 gates. 

I will use The Office Fun Run episodes (season 4, episodes 1 and 2). Michael Scott's hardship is he hits an employee, Meredith, with his car. 

Gate #1 - Awareness: Being aware of the situation means understanding the situation. Sometimes the biggest struggle in breaking through here is fear. 

Gate #2 - Acceptance: Self acceptance, having compassion for yourself, you have the ability and strength to overcome challenges, recognize that you're no longer going to beat yourself up.

Gate #3 - Accountability: being accountable for your own life. No one to blame but yourself. Being the captain of your own ship and moving forward. Own your life and your actions.

Gate #4 - Aligned action: Now that you know that you want, who you are, and you are accountable, you can align your daily efforts, habits, goals, lifestyle to what you want. Everything around you is aligned. 

For Michael Scott, his aligned action is to hold a fundraiser in the form of a fun run to cure rabies...because while Meredith was in the hospital after being hit by Michael's car, the doctors found rabies. He wanted to do something that he felt was aligned with his purpose to help others. 


When I decided to get a coach, my biggest transformation came from finding awareness, THEN I took bold aligned action and it opened up all the other gates. Because my transformation was so rapid and life changing, I could see how powerful coaching was. Because I had experience helping others over the years as a leader in my career, I felt called (an aligned action) to help others transform like me. If I can do it, they can too. So I became a high performance coach! 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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