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How Do You Deal with Self Hate?

forgiveness integrity perfection self love Jan 20, 2023

Is there some part of you that you don't like? Or some part of you that you're discouraged with? Maybe you're getting in your own way and starting to feel some resentment? Maybe you failed at something so you see yourself as a failure? 

Where does this leave you? You're unmotivated, in a negative space, not producing well at work? Maybe something happened to you, and you don't feel valued or you're embarrassed? Are you throwing yourself a pity party? Maybe you did something that you know was wrong and you're struggling to forgive yourself?

So how do you get from self hate to self love? Forgiveness, reseting expectations, and integrity.


Not only do we need to forgive ourselves...we need to forgive others and the situation, in order to move on. We don't need to keep living in the past. We need to forgive and move on. I know it takes work, but it's worth emotional freedom. 


Are you stuck in a perfectionist mindset? Are you in burnout or heading there? Are you labeling yourself as a perfectionist, and constantly striving for things to be perfect? When you have a perfectionist identity, there tends to be fear of failure or not being good enough. You could be scared to put yourself out there, being seen starting small, doing something new, being embarrassed, being vulnerable. Does that lead you to having the courage to do what you really want to do? 

Let's break down the word perfectionist. It contains perfect...which means to perfect. You can't perfect anything until it's released. You must do the thing first, then work on it to perfect it. 

Instead, change your expectations from perfection to the learning mindset. It's like a science have to be in motion, throw things out there, analyze, tweak, and perfect. 

There's never going to be a "perfect" time. It's better to be a little messy, trying your best, and heading in the right direction, than to wait and never do anything. Then you get momentum. You realize that things aren't as bad as you thought. You don't need permission, you don't need approval. Do what YOU want and follow your path. 

Don't expect that you can do everything every day. Don't be disappointed in yourself. Give yourself realistic timelines and remember that things will come up. Give yourself grace and don't hate yourself for it. Know that you did your best and you can re-prioritize to get the things done that you want. Strive for 60% of your day focused on things that are moving you towards your goals. 


Your mind, body, and soul keep track of when you're not being true to yourself. Each day is a new day. Each day is a new opportunity to realign to what you want in life and who you want to be, so keep your word to yourself and others. 


If you keep doing what you say you're going to do, you forgive yourself and others, and you have realistic expectations...self love will come!

To speed this process up, become a servant leader. Be selfless. But still take care of yourself, because you can't be there for others if you're not taking care of yourself. Be the light and put light into the world. You will end up having more motivation to do good things for yourself and others. You're finally unlocked and have the emotional freedom to share joy with others. You deserve it and so does the world. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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