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authenticity congruence integrity Mar 08, 2023

Are you the same person alone that you are when you're around others? 

Are you struggling behind closed doors, but holding it together when you're around others? 

This boils down to being congruent with who you really are. Are we being the same authentic person at all times in our life?

If not, this can lead to you not being proud of yourself, and having a real internal battle about who you are and who you want be. 

Of course, we can't always share everything we're thinking or feeling with others, but are you being honest and vulnerable as much as you can? 

Journal on these prompts today:

  • How can you be steady in your character, behaviors, actions, and how you react to what comes at you?
  • What are the choices or decisions you didn't make, that have helped you be happy or successful?

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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