The Money Blog

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What Are Affirmations & Why Do We Need Them? affirmations self talk Feb 09, 2023

Our thoughts and self talk are powerful!


Affirmations are our ability to affirm a truth in our lives that brings us happiness. 

Sometimes affirmations get a bad rap, but they are simply...

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The Perfect Storm motivation perfection self talk Jan 19, 2023

Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Do you always want everything to be perfect, and when it's not perfect do you get frustrated?  

It's ok to not be perfect. If there's one thing...

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Fundamental Life Habits habits self talk skills Jan 15, 2023

What things can you work on if you're new to self improvement? Here are a few fundamental life skills to focus on and grow: 

  • Master your self talk: your thoughts about yourself drive...
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Be intentional with your words intentional self talk Jan 04, 2023


Let's talk about intentions today! 
Don't be like Michael Scott and leave your life to chance. Be intentional with your words.

Our thoughts every day are the...
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