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Be intentional with your words

intentional self talk Jan 04, 2023


Let's talk about intentions today! 
Don't be like Michael Scott and leave your life to chance. Be intentional with your words.

Our thoughts every day are the background noise or soundtrack playing in our head. What you say to yourself daily goes on repeat, and eventually your brain is wired with whatever soundtrack you've taught it to play on default. When you change the soundtrack to something positive and something you want, your brain listens, and you start to move towards positivity and the things you want. 
Be more positive and purposeful in how you complete the following sentence's in our own self talk. 
  1. I am...
  2. What matters most right now is...
  3. I care about this because...
  4. I want to feel...
  5. My intention for this is...
Work on your positive self talk this year. 
If you need more help with this, click here to apply for coaching with me. I can guide you through a process to determine what is holding you up in life. You can also download my free instant access course here on Overcoming Obstacles in Your Life. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said].


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