What Are Affirmations & Why Do We Need Them?
Feb 09, 2023Our thoughts and self talk are powerful!
Affirmations are our ability to affirm a truth in our lives that brings us happiness.
Sometimes affirmations get a bad rap, but they are simply just positive thoughts that you repeat to yourself over and over again.
But the key is to make affirmations meaningful. They need to actually be specific, be said and felt with emotion, and need to come from a deep place inside you.
So why do affirmations? The simple way to explain it is to rewire your brain to thinking and being more positive. What you say, you become. Repetition is key here, and the thoughts need to be authentic and purposeful.
A lot of our thoughts are reactive. The amazing thing about affirmations is that they are proactive, intentional thoughts to strengthen and inspire you.
According to Brendon Burchard, NY Times Best Selling Author and High Performance Coach, there are 6 types of affirmations.
1. Your Purpose Statement: "The purpose of my life is to....be something...to do what...so that why." You want to know and use your purpose statement as an affirmation, to get your body and mind aligned in order to serve. Keep in mind, you might have different purpose affirmations for different situations in your life.
2. Spiritual Affirmations: These could come from spiritual texts, books, poems, songs, etc.. These could be phrases or passages that you say to yourself out-loud, like you're proclaiming them...they are transformative. These phrases lift you up, give you energy, and motivated you to be a stronger and positive version of you. These ones really help when you're feeling down.
3. Your strengths: When was the last time you stated what your strengths are to yourself? When someone recognizes our compliments our strength, it feel so good right? But have you spoken your strength to yourself recently? Do you believe them? Say them more often, so you start to honor yourself and believe them.
4. What you're working on: If your negative self talk is strong, it will turn into discouragement and doubt. Instead, focus on what you're working on in your life. For example, if you want to be more patient, you can say to yourself, "I'm working on my patience right now. Let's breathe and be patient in this meeting." Speak it out loud so you can lift yourself up and speak positive words of truth to yourself. Coaches can help you with this, because they will help you gain clarity by actually articulating and speaking your thoughts out-loud in a way that you can clarify what exactly you're working on.
5. Intention for others: Set your intentions before you enter situations or speak to others. Repeat your intentions so you're framing how you are presenting yourself ahead of time.
6. "My attitude is..." or "My attitude needs to...": How do you want your attitude to be when you show up?
Research shows that successful people speak to themselves differently. They are consistent about how they speak to themselves and walk though life.
Journal some affirmations for yourself. Then write them everywhere. See them daily. Say them daily...and say them with emotion. The more often you say and feel your affirmations, the more gratitude you have, the more happiness you have, the more happiness you see in the world, the more joy you feel, and your overall life improves.
If you want a coach to help you with reaching that happier life, schedule a call with me.
Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],