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Fundamental Life Habits

habits self talk skills Jan 15, 2023

What things can you work on if you're new to self improvement? Here are a few fundamental life skills to focus on and grow: 

  • Master your self talk: your thoughts about yourself drive your self esteem, your resilience, your confidence, and determine how well you show up. When your self talk is negative, it's hard to experience joy and happiness, because you're trapped in a pessimistic view of the world and yourself. If the constant recording playing in your head is negative, that's how you're going to operate and how your vibe will be presented to others. What can you do? Change your "I am..." statements from "I am.....negative words", to "I am...positive words (powerful, smart, caring, good with money, helpful, supportive, etc.). Flip the script in your head by creating positive "I am..." statements, and your mind and subconscious will start to shift to the positive.



  • Stress management: sometimes your stress comes from yourself, your perspective on handling a situation, your pressure on yourself, etc.. It might be tough to hear, but a lot of the time, we cause our own stress. So how can you decrease the harmful stress? Learn to control your emotions. There will always be stress, but we all need to control how we react to it. Will this stress hurt me or serve me? Save your body, save your mental managing your stress. This is one good reason to have a life coach; to have an outside person observe how you're reacting and framing situations, and help you improve. 
  • High Performance (Success) Habits: develop your practices, habits, routines, and patterns to be more successful. When developing any habit, intentional consistency is key. For example, learning ways to speak up for yourself (courage), having a clear picture on your goals (clarity), and using your time in a way that leaves you feeling balanced (productivity). 

  • Social intelligence: your ability to work with and read other people. Put yourself in other people's shoes and be observant to how others are feeling. Learning how to serve and care for others. Be curious about others, ask questions, and listen. 

  • Skill development: master skills to be better. Books, courses, webinars, mentors, coaches, feedback from others. Learn from your failures. Document it so you can see your progress over time and learn from it. 

Learning fundamental life skills can take time, since you're on a journey of shifting how you've operated for decades. If you need an accelerated path to learning any of these skills, or others, a life coach can help you out! 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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