My Blog
BecauseĀ we can be professionalĀ and fun!
Are you stuck dwelling over things that happened years ago? Using your precious energy to keep yourself caged by things that happened in the past that you regret?
What is that doing for...
Sharing your own journeys and struggles takes a lot of courage. Going through a big transition in life can be extremely difficult, but sharing your difficulties can actually help others relate to...
How intentional are you with starting your week?
Are you going to just go through the motions, or do you choose to fully live, love and connect with others, and be purposeful this...
The world is a beautiful place, and life is a beautiful experience.
You can live a beautiful life, but you need to be mindful to architect the life you want, and be intentional in...
How do we summon energy, and find that drive deep within us to keep going?
If you've lost your drive, how do you get it back?
- Choice and gratitude: you have the choice to manifest your...
Are you showing up each day grateful or grumpy?
If you're grumpy, then you:
- Could be sleep-deprived or burnt out (physically and/or emotionally). Exhaustion is something you can...
How do we renew ourselves. Self-care is one way, but how do we renew our mindset, attitude, and sense of presence in the moment? How do we live more intentionally and enjoy the zest and...
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