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Renewing Yourself from the Inside Out

gratitude magic renew vibrant Jan 08, 2023


How do we renew ourselves. Self-care is one way, but how do we renew our mindset, attitude, and sense of presence in the moment? How do we live more intentionally and enjoy the zest and beauty of life…really feel the world around us?

In this day and age, we are so wrapped up in going through the motions, or being too busy to stop and smell the roses. But what if we stopped and smelled the roses more? What would those little moments add up to? More joy? More vibrancy? More positivity in our life? It would become a habit, a practice, and eventually a lifestyle. Let's find that magic in the world again. And let's let Michael The Magic help us: 


If you're feeling disconnected from the magic in your life, it could be coming from:

  1. Your sleep routine. As I always say, your day starts the night before. How did you wind down? How did you sleep? Did you get at least 7-8 hours? Fatigue could be standing in the way of you being vibrant and focused each day.                                              
  2. Do you have different triggers set up to set your presence and vibrancy? For example, if this happens or when I do this, I do or say _________. It's a mental check-in to see where you're at and pull back the curtain on your life, to shift your mental state to what you want it to be. Setup reminders for yourself throughout the day (easiest way is to set up reminders on your phone).
  3. You need to develop resilience. When something doesn’t go your way, how do you reset or renew your mindset so that you're resilient? When a negative emotion (anger, hurt, frustration) strikes you, what is your routine? What do you do? Do you acknowledge the emotion, understand where it's coming from, and ask yourself what your intention is? How do you want to move forward? You can even change your physical state to help change your mental state (go for a walk, stand up bounce around, close your eyes, etc.).                                                     
  4. How can you connect with gratitude each day? The best way is to journal a few things each day that you are grateful for. By doing this, you are conditioning your mind to see positive things. Research shows that you can significantly improve yourself awareness and life satisfaction. 
  5. Praise or affirm someone today. Renew your sprit by connecting with and appreciating others. Find the magic in each person.


Are there any other renewal practices that you do that you'd like to share? If so, DM me @sarageyercoaching on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. I'd love to hear from you!


Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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