The Money Blog

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Disengaged or Winning This Week? distractions failure journaling Feb 23, 2023

What are your wins for this week? 

What items did you check off your list? What projects did you complete or move forward? What quality time did you spend with loved ones? No matter how big or...

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Honoring Your Word distractions integrity reliable Jan 06, 2023

Are you honoring your word to yourself?

If your answer is YES, then you're on your way to completing the year strong, because you are gaining momentum and honoring your word to yourself. But if the...

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Distractions boundaries distractions focus procrastination social media Jan 04, 2023
We are all guilty of getting distracted...and the world is finding new ways to distract us every day.
The main culprit are screens. Social media and TV. For Micheal Scott, YouTube was his...
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