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boundaries distractions focus procrastination social media Jan 04, 2023
We are all guilty of getting distracted...and the world is finding new ways to distract us every day.
The main culprit are screens. Social media and TV. For Micheal Scott, YouTube was his biggest distraction.
Every time you scroll, you're training your brain "yes or no?" and "do i like this or not?" You're actually fatiguing your brain. That is why you might not be able to focus as long as you'd like, because your brain is tired from making those little thousands of decisions when scrolling. So what can we do to keep our focus on what's important, like our goals, family, health, and other priorities? How can we manage our time better now so we can have more free time in the future?  Here are some tools:
  1. Focus on impact: What can you do to impact others?  Make the goal bigger than yourself and really anchor in the impact to make it a priority. 
  2. What is the purpose and meaning of completing this task? Summon that motivation.
  3. Have clarity on your tasks daily: projects, people, priorities.
  4. Recover throughout the day so you can keep going all day and not be exhausted at the end of the day. Find ways to have little pit stops every hour (stretch, get some water, close your eyes, go outside, desk yoga, whatever works for you). 
  5. Teach yourself to say NO, then take the time to justify why the answer could be a YES. This is an important boundary to keep your goals on track, and not let your life get filled up by other people's agendas.  

If you need more individual help on getting your distractions under control, let me coach you to your fullest potential. 
Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],


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