The Money Blog

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Confidence aligned action clarity confidence journaling skills Mar 22, 2023

Earlier this week, I received a download from the Universe that said: "Confidence is really just being in alignment with your potential." 

You should aim to be the best of who you are,...

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How Much Drama is in Your Life? aligned action awareness happy integrity Feb 07, 2023

Is there a lot of drama in your life?

Is the drama coming from others or from you?

Most of the drama is self created, because we make things into a bigger issue than they should be and  take...

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Breakthroughs aligned action breakthrough clarity decision-making identity integrity Jan 10, 2023

Sometimes the fastest way to a breakthrough is taking action. Aligned action and making bold decisions. Action that you know is right. It feels right at a subconscious level. So what is the...

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