My Blog

BecauseĀ we can be professionalĀ and fun!

How a Coach Can Help You awareness clarity journaling overcoming obstacles Mar 05, 2023

Do you ever wonder how a coach can benefit you?

Let's take a look. Coaching can help you with: 

  • Making sense of your life: A coach may ask you some of the following questions in order to...
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How will you show up this week? choices gratitude overcoming obstacles Jan 16, 2023

Are you showing up each day grateful or grumpy? 

If you're grumpy, then you:

  • Could be sleep-deprived or burnt out (physically and/or emotionally). Exhaustion is something you can...
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Overcoming Obstacles overcoming obstacles Jan 04, 2023
How we choose to bounce back from obstacles/snags in life really comes down to how we ADAPT and CHOOSE to handle a situation. Do we get frustrated, or are we intentional with our emotions,...
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