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BecauseĀ we can be professionalĀ and fun!

Do What is Necessary burnout drive goals journaling mindset necessity skills Feb 20, 2023

How did you show up last week? Are you proud of the results you got? Are you proud of how you showed up to yourself and others? 

Based on those results, are these sufficient to...

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Perspective awareness control mindset perspective Feb 19, 2023

Did you know that how you view your life shapes how you live your life? 

By shifting our perspective of what's happing to, for, or around us, we can actually experience a completely different...

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Are You in a Season of Struggle? failure mindset struggle Feb 16, 2023

Are you in a rough season of your life? Maybe you're having money, relationship, or medical issues? Maybe you're frustrated, stuck, stewing in your own negativity, or your mindset isn't where you...

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