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Tuesday is Not Extended Monday

energy planning productivity Feb 28, 2023

In my world, Sundays are for reflecting on the previous week and planning the upcoming week. 

Mondays are for executing the plans you set from Sunday. But you're also stepping into a new week with new challenges getting thrown at you. But Mondays should also show how well you can hold onto your plans and not get sucked into other people's agendas.

If you executed your Monday according to plan, you shouldn't need to extend anything into Tuesday. Tuesday should not be a hangover day from Monday, where you're still catching up on Monday's task and jumping into reaction mode.

Tuesday should be another productive day for you, where you start off the day reconnecting yourself with your intentions and goals for the week. This is the best way to ensure that you aren't distracted, your not being reactionary throughout your day, and you are actually advancing YOUR goals. You're playing defense here. 

By starting each of your days by having a solid morning routine: reflecting on your goals, strategizing the day, journaling, and keeping a positive mindset, you're really architecting a successful day.

It's only Tuesday, so if you're a little behind, use the next few days to catch up so you stay on track with your Friday goals.

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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