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Positive Energy

energy Feb 04, 2023

How do you want your days to feel like? What does that energy feel like?

Is it a vibrant, joyful, loving energy, or is it a negative, low, discouraged, and unmotivated energy? 

In our current culture, where people tend to judge (a lot due to social media), your ego can actually get in the way of you having higher energy. 

When you pick up your phone and scroll on social media, you are actually training your brain for judgment. Each post you look at, you're saying stop/scroll, thumbs up/thumbs down, watch/don't watch. All of these thousands of tiny decisions are training your brain to be more judgmental. The more you judge, the more you're actually separating yourself from the moment and others, which is what your ego does. We feel so superior and start to judge whether we're smarter, prettier, cooler...whatever.

Don't let social media steal your thoughts and change your energy state. You don't need to feel more judgmental, impatient, doubtful, and negative towards yourself and others. 

But, you can also use social media in a positive, healthy way for inspiration, motivation, education, business...but be careful and intentional. Ensure you're still staying in a positive energy state. 

Why is this so important? Because your energy dictates how you live and experience life. You're able to see/feel/experience more beautiful moments. 

So make a choice to step into positive energy so you can have a more positive life!

The top reasons that kills success for people is sarcasm and superiority. You may know and have heard all of these things before, but do you practice it or do you feel above it? 

"Common sense is not only common practice." - Brendon Burchard. 

Practice generating energy daily by noticing beautiful moments, taking mental and physical breaks often in the day, getting out in nature, meditating, working out, or spending time doing things you enjoy with those you love. 

Your energy is a choice. Be intentional about how you create more positive energetic moments in your day. Manage your attitude and perspective on how you're living your life. 

Sharpen your skills now so that when things get stressful, you'll be ready because you've trained yourself to step in and handle those situations. You don't need to do this all the time and be this way all the time, but the more you do it, the more you're training yourself, and the more these habits become a lifestyle.

Grab your journal and ask yourself:

How can you teach yourself to step into positive energy and emotions more constantly every day? What are simple practices and reminders to do this? 

You can start reconditioning your mind and practices, and rebuilding your mindset to feel joy again! 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],




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