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I'm doing "fine"

aliveness boundaries joy Jan 24, 2023

When you're asked how your day was or how you're doing, what's your answer? Is it an enthusiastic "great" or "amazing," or is it "fine." When we are "just fine" we lack aliveness. 

More often than not, our answer is "fine." Why are we settling for "fine?" Who want's to be "just fine?" 


Our days have been consumed with distractions that lead to meaningless moments. 

Our days are controlled by others, whether it's our bosses, our families, our screens, or our obligations. 

When is there time for us? Our agendas, our goals, our self care, our time to recharge? When we don't have these things, we tend to be "fine" instead of joyful. 

How can we turn "fine" into joyful/amazing/great/enthusiastic?

  • Reclaim your agenda: take control of your life.
  • Say no: setup boundaries, speak up for yourself, and make "no" your default answer. That way you are protecting your agenda and priorities, before you give your time and attention to others. 
  • Regularly check in on yourself and your life: are you where you want to be and doing what you want to do? 
  • Choose to be intentional with your days: be more proactive instead of just reactive. Start you day out by journaling and strategically crafting your day. 
  • Don't sacrifice your life for that of others: you have desires, dreams, wants, and your own life to live. Don't let others take your time on Earth away from you with their tasks, problems, and agendas. 
  • Find moments in the day to bring you more joy, aliveness, and purpose. 

Some of this may sounds selfish, but no one else is going to put your priorities to step into your greatness ahead of their own. Of course, time is meant to be spent with others and doing things for others in acts of service, but also give yourself time to live a joyous life. 

Fine is ok when you're talking about a fine wine or a fine cup of coffee...but not ok when you're talking about yourself and your life.  Don't settle for "fine." CHOOSE who you want to be and go be that! 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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