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Don't Quit

fail focus freedom service survive Jan 26, 2023

Failure is an occurrence, not an identity. Don't quit. Don't give up!  

Maybe you've been frustrated lately or impatient? Maybe discouraged or feel like a failure? 

Sometimes things don't happen on your timeline. Sometime you're not ready to tackle the big things you want to in life yet, and you need to get prepared and skill up. 

Whatever the reason is, don't give up. As Paula Abdul said, "There is no traffic after the extra mile." 

Just keep going, and know that you aren't alone in your struggles. People have been struggling all throughout history, and on the other side of their struggle is success. You can do it too!

"Failure should spark curiosity, not shame." - Brendon Burchard

  • Acknowledge your past failures, inadequacies, weaknesses but realize that you were younger and less experienced. It does not define who you are today.


  • Examine our thought patterns. What thoughts are playing on repeat in your head? What are you worrying about? Are you concerned about what other people think? 

  • Have you been in survival mode for too long, where you're just trying to get by, handle life, or pay the bills?


  • Are you protecting your ego? 

  • Are you focusing too much on the present and not thinking about the bigger future? 

The best way to get out of this negative type of thinking is to shift your mind towards service. When you focus on service, you remember that we have a choice in life. We can change our environments, our habits, and can look towards a bigger vision for yourself and for the world. 


Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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