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boundaries productivity stress relief time management Mar 11, 2023 that's a long word.

So what is compartmentalization in relation to our lives? It's where each part of our life gets a little compartment, or a little block or section. Being able to take on a lot in life without all the stress from one thing bleeding to another area is truly powerful. This is a skill that you can learn. 

You mind's attention is getting switched from thing to thing to thing multiple times a day. How can you do it without getting overwhelmed and burned out?  

How can you teach your brain boundaries, so you're present and mindful of what you're doing now? 

Research shows that if you're working on a two hour project and someone interrupts you, it takes on average 30-40 minutes to get back on track. 

One way to help build the skill of compartmentalization is to use meditation, which will help us gain control of our thoughts, our presence, and flow. Learn to aim your focus and be able to get into flow, if you want to truly gain control of your thoughts, be fully alive, and be fully present in a moment.

Mastering your productivity can help you master your compartmentalization. 

One way you can increase your productivity is to block-time your calendar. Manage your schedule by blocking time on your calendar as to WHEN you're going to do each different thing. When the time comes for you to do that thing, you are 100% focused on that thing...being fully present, disciplined, with no distractions! So when you've scheduled "film content" on  from Wednesday at 10:00am, that's what you're doing. No checking social media, no folding laundry, no multi-tasking. You give 100% to that task, so you get it done and get it done right. 

When your time is up for that specific activity, even if you're not done, you move on, forget about it, and go onto the next thing. You'll never be able to get EVERYTHING done, so you have to teach yourself to be ok with the things that aren't done that you wish were, give yourself grace, and realize that not everything has to be perfect. This is powerful because you're giving yourself the ability to live in the incomplete. Does this cause you stress and are you carrying this through the rest of your day? Because if you do, then you're carrying that stress and overwhelm into every other part of your day...which will lead to burnout. 

When you don't schedule your life, you actually have LESS free time. It might appear to be robotic to follow a set schedule, but it actually makes you more efficient, so you have MORE free time. Time management buys you freedom. When you're more disciplined about your time, you create the time to do the things you want, and to do the major activities that move the needle towards the accomplishment or alignment that you want. 

An amazing way to switch from task to task is to "release tension, and set intention" which was made famous by author and speaker Brendon Burchard. So what this means is that between every major activity you do, you take a minute to release any tension from the previous activity, and set a new intention for the upcoming activity. For example, if you're going from a budget meeting into a meeting with your team, you push away from your desk, close your eyes, breathe, and release the tension from the budget meeting. You can repeat the word "release" to yourself, and just release the tension from your mind and body. Then ask yourself "what's my intention for this next meeting with my team?" By doing this, you're creating a little buffer zone between activities, so you can show up thoughtfully during each different activity. 

Another thing you need to do is teach others about your boundaries. Boundaries are needed to protect your peace, and they need to be taught to others so they can respect you and your time, because they see that you respect yourself. You're teaching people what you're willing to do and what you're not. 

Journal today: 

  • What does compartmentalization mean to you? 
  • How do you compartmentalize? 
  • What boundaries do you have? 
  • What boundaries do you want to setup in your life to protect your peace? 

If you need help with your productivity, let me know. I'm highly trained in overcoming procrastination, building courage to set boundaries, and increasing your productivity so you can spend more quality time doing what you want to do, without burning out! I'd love to chat with you. DM me on one of my socials. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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