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Coming Out of the Pandemic

crisis habits productivity survive thrive Jan 23, 2023

As we continue to move beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, can we all agree that we went through a lot! But it's not all that different from how other crises in history played out. 

Brendon Burchard, author of High Performance Habits,  talks about three phases of  crisis...and the perfect Office episode for this is (yet again) the Stress Relief Part 1 Episode  5:14, where Dwight purposely starts a fire to create some urgency to enforce fire safety protocols. By creating this chaos, Stanley has a heart attach, and the office is faced with the reality that someone almost died. Now they are forced to take a CPR class, and ensure that everyone is prepared for a future crisis:

Phase 1: shock, disbelief, hunker down, survival.

Phase 2: accepting the new normal, coping with mental health and wellbeing. 

Phase 3: skill up or get left behind. Productivity and cash flow is essential. Learn the skills you need to thrive and be essential in the world. Bring value, bring impact, be a better you. 

So what's the point? Why does this matter? Because we are in Phase 3 now. According to history, some of the greatest businesses were created in times like now, coming out of a crisis. This also relates back to what I coach on, High Performance habits. HP habits are required in a time like now, where you want to ensure that you are achieving long-term success, while maintaining your wellbeing and improving your relationships. 

If you want help with your habits, increase your productivity, or gain clarity on where to go from here, sign up for a free coaching session, and let's discover a way to help you thrive in our new normal.

 Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said], 



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