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Zoom Back Even Further

big picture clarity planning Jan 13, 2023

When we are working on a big project, objective, in your organization, or in your life, how do we even start?  To me, this question brought me back to my days as a Finance Executive, where I had to think big picture. 

For our purposes here, where I tie professional development to the TV show the Office, I'm going to use the episode 4:9, Local Ad, specifically the scene where Michael is pitching his idea for a TV commercial for their local branch of Dunder Mifflin. 

His commercial idea: "In a field holding a flower, we zoom back to find that she's in the desert, and the field is an oasis. Zoom back further, the desert is a sandbox in the world's largest resort hotel. Zoom back further, the hotel is actually the playground to the world's largest prison."

Before we just jump into something, we need to zoom out...we need a plan. 

Start at the highest level, with the outcome. What are you trying to do? What is your mission?

Then, choose a model and rhythm. Once you're clear here, you can hire people to help support your mission, and choose which metrics you want to grow (revenue, followers, muscle mass, etc.).

As a big picture thinker, Michael Scott knew that every time you zoom out, you get clarity, you see a bigger picture. Use this to plan how to tackle your next endeavor.  

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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