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Putting Your Life on Hold

confidence delay self-esteem support Jan 22, 2023

What are you putting off doing? Why? 

Is there anything that you've wanted to progress on, but you check in with it and you haven't made as much progress as you thought? 

Maybe it's because you're lacking clarity? You don't know what to do next, or you don't know what the outcome will look and feel like. 

Maybe it's fear of the "what if _________?" We are constantly asking ourselves these what if questions in a negative way. 

  • What if this fails?
  • What if I look stupid?
  • What if I go bankrupt?
  • What if I'm not supported? 

Instead, try using this question in a positive way:

  • What if I succeed? 
  • What if I inspire others?
  • What if I am able to retire early? 
  • What if I am supported? 

Maybe we don't have the support we need from our significant other, family, teacher, colleagues, etc.? We are afraid that others won't accept us anymore or they will no longer want to connect. 


Maybe we are worried we don't have the resources: time, money, or energy?

These tend to be valid excuses to delay, but are they worth not being able to move forward to what you want in your life? 

This all comes down to how you believe in your self. Your self-esteem, Your confidence. Taking a leap of faith in the right direction. You have to look inward, do the inner work, grow yourself, and figure out who you want to become. Take on that identity.

There's a gap between who you are now and who you want to become. Make a step by step process. If you need help with this, learn how with books, courses, events, webinars, or get yourself a coach to guide you and speed up the process. 

What is delay costing you? 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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