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How to Thrive During Chaotic Times

chaos conviction decision-making leadership take action Jan 09, 2023

My favorite chaotic time in The Office was the Stress Relief Part 1 Episode cold open, where Dwight purposely starts a fire to create some urgency to enforce protocols: 

The whole office reacts to the chaos: 

In a chaotic world, we need to thrive and not just survive. There are new norms emerging in our world, and the world is adjusting. 


How to thrive and succeed: 

  1. Conviction: Really believe in yourself and your ability to figure things out. Really commit to moving your life forward (psychological necessity). Your goals for this week should challenge you, but are on the path towards your bigger goals.
    • Daily action steps:
      • write down your goals
      • read your goals
      • visualize your goals
      • strategize your day around your goals
      • focus on/obsess about your goals throughout the day
  2. Decisiveness: As things get difficult or more complicated, it's important to be even more decisive. Set yourself up for success by getting a handle on decisions now, so you're prepared for bigger ones in the future. Get clarity and take action now. Get unstuck. If you need help, ask for help. 
  3. Value: Add even more value. Produce quality output. Be excellent regardless what you get paid. 
  4. Leadership: be a role model, lead, share your vision and goals. Don't strive in silence. Be a leader who builds in public. Get others enrolled in your mission, so they can help you and your mission. Leaders step up during tough times. They hold others to high expectations and accountability. They make decisions, they add value, they take action. 

Believe in yourself that you can figure things out. Stay consistent. And thanks to Dwight, we know that "experience is the best teacher," so take action. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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