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Have an Original Thought

happy joy skills Jan 25, 2023

As a former (and maybe still a little) numbers person...words weren't always my favorite thing. So, as I lived most of my life playing in Excel spreadsheets, I didn't focus on my vocabulary, even though I was an Executive and presented to a Board of Directors weekly. I got by. 

But now I've become more aware of who I am and what I want, and I'm working on building up my communication skills. My range of vocabulary is limited, but I'm learning and growing. 

I was once limited to happy, sad, fine, excited, awesome, amazing. 

But now I'm growing my vocabulary to vibrant, enthusiastic, connected, proud, appreciative, loved, thrilled, mind-blown, and the list is growing! 

Even if you can't think of words, just make them up.

Or make up sentences or phrases that make sense to you

Sometimes happy is just an umbrella term we use, but maybe we're proud, elated, thrilled, loved, supported, etc..

Journal about what the 3 happiest moments of your life, and think of a way to describe them with other words than just happy. You'll be surprised at the range of emotions and how different each situation was. 

If you're struggling to journal, get started by captioning this:

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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