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Goals/Resolutions Check-In

goals motivation resolutions Jan 29, 2023

We're almost a full month into 2023. How's it going so far? 

Hopefully, you're on track with your goals. If you're not, give yourself some grace, and know that tomorrow is another day to strive towards your goals. 

What could you do to keep the motivation going? Here's a few of my favorite:

  • Journal each morning and night.
  • Write and say your gratitude, at least 3 things you're grateful for.
  • Look at your vision board, affirmations, and goals each day. Say them out-loud as well. The goal is to keep them fresh every day, so you know what you're striving for this day/week/month/quarter/year. 
  • Get an accountability partner to keep you on track. 
  • Track your habits each day. 
  • Reflect on your previous week, and plan your next week. 
  • Meal prep so you're setting yourself up for success. 
  • Ensure that you've scheduled exercise for the week, whether it's a walk at lunch, lifting session at the gym, or working out before the kids wake up in the mornings. 
  • Find a community of like-minded people who are going to keep you motivated. 
  • Learn something new every day whether it's listening to a podcast, taking a course, reading a book, or engaging with others.
  • Get a coach or a mentor to help push you towards your goals. 

I'd love to hear some of your tips for keeping your motivation alive, so you can continue to strive for your goals. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said], 



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