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Finding a Way Out of Overwhelm

identity inaction overwhelm plan time management Jan 05, 2023

How do you deal with overwhelm and inaction?


Brendon Burchard, author of High Performance Habits, offers an easy way for us to remember how we can get out of any PIT of overwhelm/inaction/fear/despair. Being stuck in a PIT (or koi pond if you're Michael Scott), is that lower zone emotional quality that prevents us from progressing.


Here's how to get out:


  • Plan: overwhelm happens when we don’t have a clear plan. If you can't think of a plan, go find someone who has already thought of the plan. Don't reinvent the wheel. Maybe  watch a TedTalk or read a book.


  •  Identity: Our identity or our self esteem does not yet match what is required of us to achieve what we want. Meaning, you are not operating at the right level or frequency that is needed in order be that person who does the things you desire. So if you strategize on who you want to become, improve your self talk, and visualize yourself being that person and doing the things, you'll create that person and get unstuck.
  •  Time management: the more time we spend in distraction, the less time we have to work on the things we want to achieve, and less time to do the things we love with those we love. DO an audit of your calendar. If you don't keep a calendar…start by keeping a calendar. :)

 Getting out of the pit (or koi pond) of overwhelm/inaction/fear/despair can be difficult at times, but there is always a way out. And when in doubt, always ask for help


 Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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