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Failure - Good or Bad?

failure fixed mindset growth mindset identity Jan 17, 2023

How do you feel when you hear the word "fail" or "failure?"

Does it make you feel successful or unsuccessful? 

When you fail at something, do you feel like you ARE a failure? 

Or do you view it as a learning opportunity? A way to grow? You getting closer to knowing the right path? 

Here's how I like to look at a science experiment: 

  1. I want to try something new.
  2. I make a decision to do it the best way I know how to at this present moment.
  3. I take action.
  4. I evaluate if my action gave me the result I wanted.
  5. If it did give me the result I wanted, then I have a process that I would continue to replicate to ensure it works again. If it did not work, I have new information, and I'm closer to figuring out a way that will work to solve my problem.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until I figure out a successful way, an answer to my problem, etc.. 

For example, Creed from The Office has a goal to do a perfect cartwheel. 

He has never done a cartwheel, but has seen what a cartwheel looks like and wants to try. 

Then he takes action.

He does a cartwheel...well a version of a cartwheel. To him, it's the perfect cartwheel and he is so excited and proud of himself! 

But what if he said that it wasn't the perfect cartwheel?

If he had a fixed mindset, he would say "Well, I guess I will never be able to do the perfect cartwheel. I just wasn't born with the right talents to do one."

If he had a growth mindset, he would say something like, "Well, I tried and my legs weren't quite straight. I'm not able to do the perfect cartwheel, YET, but I wonder how I could improve? Maybe I can have someone watch me again and give me some advice? Maybe I can research online or watch some YouTube videos on ways to do the perfect cartwheel, and LEARN to do it better. Then I'll try it again until I can do the perfect cartwheel."

Do you see the difference? In a fixed mindset, you believe that you are the way you are and you can't learn anything new. You may feel that when you fail that you ARE a failure. 

In a growth mindset, you adopt the role of a learner, and understand that doing a cartwheel is a skill that you can learn. With enough time, effort, and resources, Creed can learn to do the perfect cartwheel. Whenever you fail at something, it is just a learning opportunity. It is just a way to collect more data towards perfecting what you're trying to accomplish. 


 What obstacles do you have that you can turn into opportunities? Check out my free course: Overcoming Obstacles in Your Life for some guidance. I'll send you a worksheet as well, so you can figure out how to see your failures or obstacles as ways to grow. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said],



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